How has the current crisis in farming affected the farmers and the local community in an LFA?
Copyright Gavin Duley 2001
The area I studied for this project was in Snowdonia National Park (SNP), north Wales. In this area, as in all UK upland areas that are being farmed, the farmers are facing a severe economic crisis.
Should we worry about farming? I feel that we should. While undertaking this study, I found out that farmers play a number of different roles, that encompass social, economic and environmental roles.
I conducted the following questionnaires: Farmers Questionnaire, Local Residents Questionnaire, VIP Questionnaire, Farming-related Industries Questionnaire, and an Extended Questionnaire for case studies. A wide range of secondary data was also collected and analysed.
Of 21 farmers interviewed, sheep/cattle were the main farm products, the majority being sheep farmers, reflecting the agricultural situation for Wales, particularly the north-east Region. Snowdonia farmers have important environmental responsibilities. Surprisingly, the farmers felt that subsidy levels were reasonable. Some respondents blamed the crisis on supermarkets or butchers (for profiteering). Farmers feel that the government is out of touch with rural issues. More farmers will be forced to leave their land, and perhaps more farms will not pass on to the farmers children. This means that their roles (social, economic and environmental) will be left unfulfilled.
I also interviewed 21 local residents. Small rural settlements in the SNP are also suffering a decline in prosperity, and demographic changes that are typical of a vicious circle of decline. Local businessmen were interviewed, and I discovered that farming related industries are also suffering with the farm crisis.
Conclusions drawn were-
Copyright (c) Gavin Duley 2001